
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Embleme II

XVI. Geffrey Whitney

Motto: Veritas temporis filia.

THREE furies fell, which turne the world to ruthe,

Both Enuie, Strife, and Slaunder, heare appeare:

In dungeon darke they longe inclosed Truthe;

But Time at lengthe did loose his daughter deare,

And setts alofte that sacred ladie brighte,

Which things longe hidd reueales and bringes to lighte.

Thoughe Strife make fier, thoughe Enuie eate hir harte,

The innocent though Slaunder rente and spoile;

Yet Time will comme, and take this ladie’s parte,

And breake her bandes, and bring her foes to foile.

Dispaire not then, thoughe Truthe be hidden ofte,

Bycause at lengthe shee shall bee sett alofte.