
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Psalme CXLV

CXIII. John Mardley

Exaltabo te, Deus.

THEE will I laud, my God and King,

And blesse thy name for aye;

For euer will I prayse thy name,

And blesse thee day by day.

Great is the Lord, most worthy prayse,

His greatnes none can reach;

From race to race they shall thy works

Praise, and thy power preach.

I of thy glorious maiesty

The beauty will record,

And meditate vpon thy workes

Most wonderfull, O Lord.

And they shall of thy power, and of

Thy fearefull actes declare;

And I to publish all abroad

Thy greatnes will not spare.

And they into the mention shall

Breake of thy goodnes great:

And I alone thy righteousnes

In singing shall repeat.

The Lord our God is gratious,

And mercifull also;

Of great aboundant mercy, and

To anger he is slow:

Yea, good to all; and all his workes

His mercy doth exceede:

Loe, all his workes doe prayse thee, Lord,

And do thy honour spread.

Thy saintes doe blesse thee, and they do

Thy kingdome’s glory show,

And blase thy power, to cause the sonnes

Of men his power to know;

And of his mighty kingdome eke

To spread the glorious prayse:

Thy kingdome, Lord, a kingdome is

That doth endure alwaies;

And thy dominion through each age

Endures without decay:

The Lord vpholdeth them that fall;

Their slyding he doth stay.

The eyes of all do wait on thee,

Thou doest them all relieue,

And thou to ech sufficing foode

In season due doest giue.

Thou openest thy plenteous hand,

And bounteously doest fill

All things, whatsoeuer doth liue,

With gifts of thy good will.

The Lord is iust in all his waies,

His workes are holy all;

Neare all he is that call on him,

In trueth that on him call.

He the desires which they require

That feare him will fulfill;

And he will heare them when they cry,

And saue them all he will.

The Lord preserues all those, to him

That beare a louing heart;

But he them all that wicked are

Will vtterly subuert.

My thankfull mouth shall gladly speake

The prayses of the Lorde:

All flesh to prayse his holy name

For euer shall accord.