


Glendale Community College *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by BaronOxide26235 on

Review Sheet 9 137 3. Define sutine. Suture refers to the joint between skull bones 4. With one exception, the skull bones are joined by sutures. Name the exception. The exception of skull bones joined by sutures is temporal bone 5. What bones are connected by the lambdoid suture? Parietal and occipital bone are joined by the lambdoid suture What bones are connected by the squamous suture? Temporal and parietal are connected by squamos suture 6. Name the eight bones of the cranium. (Remember to include left and right.) R occipital R parietal Ethmoid L temporal R temporal sphenoid Frontal L parietal 7. List the bones that have sinuses, and give two possible functions of the sinuses. Frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid have sinuses To produce mucus and moisture in nose 8. What s the bony orbit? The bony orbit is the skeletal cavity that surrounds softissue around eye What bones contribute to the formation of the orbit? Maxilla, lacrimal, frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, zygomatic, and palatine contribute to the formation of the orbit 9. Why can the sphenoid bone be called the keystone bone of the cranium? Sphenoid bone articulates to all the cranial bones
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