MED7590 week 6 assingment 1



Wilmington University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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MED7590 Week 6 Assignment 1 11/29/23 Our new professional learning initiative this year will be the launching of the book “The New Art and Science of Teaching” by Robert J. Marzano. All staff members will be receiving a copy of the book. SLT and Administration will be creating teams that will work together on professional development days to create lessons about an assigned element. Once the element has been presented then everyone will be asked to use ideas presented by that element team and try them during a lesson within their classroom. You will also be asked to invite an administrator or SLT member to your room to observe and report back on how the lesson went. While this is an observation, it will be nonpunitive to staff and simply used for data and research on how the elements work within the classroom. SLT members and administration will meet after observations are completed to discuss what works well and what could work but needs tweaking. Staff will also be asked to fill out surveys on each element and provide feedback on how they think the element worked in their classroom and if this is something they would use again. After all elements have been taught and tried, a larger discussion will be had during a professional development day to go over the data and make decisions on what we would like to implement into our daily lessons. Day 1 As a group, create an 8-10 minute lesson to share with whole staff. What is your element? How can it work in an SMS classroom and give examples. Day 2 Element group presenters will teach element lesson/presentation All other will take notes on a graphic organizer while actively listening and participating. Day 3 Element group presenters will teach element lesson/presentation All other will take notes on a graphic organizer while actively listening and participating. Day 4 SLT Members and Administration will review the data that has been gathered after watching elements used during lessons within the classroom. Staff will break back into their groups and fill out Google document and commit to using at least 1 element on a regular basis.
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