Template for Communication Plan (1) copy



Florida Atlantic University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Classroom Communication and Collaboration Plan Identify at least three tools you would use to communicate with parents. What type of information would you share? Provide an example. Types of tools What type of information would you share with parents using this tool? Bloomz Used to communicate with parents and to track students behavior in the classroom. Parent Square Used to keep parents up to date with events at school and to ask parents for help. Class Dojo Class Dojo can be used to update parents on their kids behaviors and progress in the classroom. ClassTag Can be used to schedule parent- teacher conferences. Identify at least three tools you would use to communicate with students. Provide an example. Types of tools Example of how the tool would be used to communicate with students Teams Used to post assignments and announcements for the class Edmodo Similar to Teams and could be used for announcements for the class and any other information needed to share with students. Remind Used to Share important announcements with students and students can react to the message. Identify at least three collaboration tools you would use in your classroom. What instructional strategy would you pair with this collaboration tool? Provide an example. Types of tools What instructional strategy would you pair with this tool? Provide an example. PowerPoint Students can get together in groups and create a slideshow that shows what they learned in the class or create their own product and why we should purchase their product Flipgrid Students can create videos. I can create a topic for them and they give a response through a video. Peergrade Allows students to grade each others work and rate the feedback that they get. Identify at least two tools you would use to collaborate with fellow teachers. Provide an example of how you use that tool. Types of tools Example of how the tool would be used to collaborate with fellow
teachers. Outlook Teachers can share ideas with each other through email. This is effective if you want to communicate with multiple teachers but don't have the time to meet in person. Podio Used to share documents, information, and collaborate with other teachers not only the teachers you work with. TitanPad Teachers can work on the same document, and it makes it easy to track edits and changes in real time.
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