Chapter 13 Reading Worksheet



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Apr 3, 2024





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Latin for the New Millennium Chapter 13 Reading Worksheet Read p. 225-227 and answer the questions below: 1. Have you heard the quotation on p. 225 before? In Latin, in English, or both? Did you know it was by the Roman poet Horace? “carpe Diem” seize the day and yes I have heard it before and no I did not know it was by Horace i 2. Review Introduction p. xxxii-xxxiii. What are the three different kinds of governments Rome had in its history? (Hint as you’re hunting for the answer: the first ended in 509 BCE, the second ended in in about 27 BCE, and the third lasted until Rome fell.) Monarchy : The Roman Kingdom, which lasted until 509 BCE when the last Roman king was overthrown. Republic : The Roman Republic, established in 509 BCE and lasting until about 27 BCE. This period was characterized by a complex form of elected government. Empire : The Roman Empire, beginning in 27 BCE when Augustus (Octavian) became the first emperor. This period lasted until the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE. 3. Continue reviewing Introduction p. xxxii-xxxiii. In the last century BCE, what shakes the Roman Republic apart? In the last century BCE, the Roman Republic was shaken apart by a series of civil wars, political conflicts, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals, such as Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus, who formed the First Triumvirate. The assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE further destabilized the Republic, leading to more civil wars. 4. Continue reviewing Introduction p. xxxii-xxxiii. Who is Octavian? What title and what name did he get in 27 BCE? Octavian is the adopted heir of Julius Caesar. In 27 BCE, the Roman Senate awarded him the title "Augustus," marking the beginning of the Roman Empire and his reign as its first emperor. The name "Augustus" signifies the revered or sacred one, establishing his authority and the new political order.
5. Continue reviewing Introduction p. xxxii-xxxiii. Fill in the blank: Octavian (Augustus) is the first ruler in what is known as the Roman “principate”, or e____________. (Therefore he is often called the first “Roman emperor.”) EMPIRE 6. Back to p. 226: Who did Octavian defeat at Actium in 31 BCE to bring an end to Rome’s civil wars? What did he do after his victory at Actium? At the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE, Octavian defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra, bringing an end to Rome's civil wars. what Octavian did after his victory, he initiated a period of peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana, reformed the Roman tax system, developed a network of roads, and patronized the arts, among other achievements. 7. According to p. 226, what Latin term was used to mean “first citizen,” a term Augustus used to refer to himself? The Latin term used to mean "first citizen," which Augustus used to refer to himself, is "Princeps Civitatis." This term emphasizes the role of Augustus as the foremost citizen of Rome, rather than a monarch or dictator, aligning with the Roman Republic's values. 8. According to p. 226, what is the Latin term for the era of “Roman peace” established by Augustus? The Latin term for the era of "Roman peace" established by Augustus is "Pax Romana." This period is characterized by relative peace and stability throughout the Roman Empire, lasting approximately from 27 BCE to 180 CE. 9. According to p. 226, who is Horace? Horace is a Roman poet known for his odes, satires, and epistles. He was a contemporary of Augustus and benefited from the patronage of Maecenas, a close advisor to Augustus. Horace's works are celebrated for their mastery of Latin lyric poetry and insightful commentary on Roman society and politics.
10. Did Horace and Vergil live at the same time? Yes, Horace and Vergil (Virgil) lived at the same time. Both were part of the circle of poets and intellectuals patronized by Maecenas and were influential figures in the Augustan age of Roman literature. 11. What does the title of the Latin passage “DĒ HOMINE IMPORTŪNŌ” mean? (Note from in case you’re not familiar with the English word “boorish” which is used in the Reading Vocabulary: “Boorish, oafish, rude, uncouth all describe persons, acts, manners, or mannerisms that violate in some way the generally accepted canons of polite, considerate behavior.”) means "About the Annoying Man" or "Concerning the Importunate Man." The term "importunus" in Latin can describe someone who is troublesome, annoying, or persistent in an unwelcome manner, aligning with the English word "boorish" as described. 12. What is the Via Sacra? The Via Sacra, or Sacred Way, is one of the most famous streets in ancient Rome. It was a main thoroughfare that ran through the Roman Forum, leading from the top of the Capitoline Hill through some of the most religiously significant parts of the city, including the Forum, and ending at the Colosseum. 13. In the Latin passage, where does Horace say he’s going? How does the annoying guy respond? What makes the guy in the Latin story Horace is talking to annoying? In the Latin passage, Horace says he is going to visit a friend across the Tiber River. The annoying man responds by insisting on accompanying Horace, despite Horace's attempts to politely decline. What makes the man annoying is his refusal to accept Horace's polite refusals, his persistence in following Horace, and his intrusive questioning about Horace's acquaintances and intentions. 14. On p. 227 in the Latin passage there is amention of the temple of Vesta. Who is Vesta (review p. 102)? Vesta is the Roman goddess of the hearth, home, and family. The Temple of Vesta in Rome was a small, round temple in the Roman Forum where the sacred fire of Rome was kept burning by the Vestal Virgins. Vesta's worship was fundamental to Roman religion
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