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Arizona State University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by PresidentWorldToad29 on

What is this landform (N 34.797274° W 110.588969°), how did it form, and what is the volume of the hole? To figure out the volume of the hole, you will need to assume that this feature has the shape of a half-sphere. Then, you will need the formula for the volume of a sphere V. =4/3 = r’ However, this feature is clearly NOT a sphere. it is approximated by being a half sphere. So the formulae you would use would be V=2/3*JT * ¥V * ' * I You know the value of pi (you can use 3.14). You just need the radius. The radius is the depth of the hole! If you are in Google Earth you simply move the cursor to the top of the hole on the side and read the elevation. Then, move the cursor to the bottom of the hole and read the elevation. Just subtract them (top - bottom). Then, round the elevation difference in meters to the NEAREST 10 (10, 20, 30, or 40). This will make the math easiest. The volume will have to be measured in cubic meters, obviously. Since this is a multiple-choice question, you only have to get close in terms of the volume calculation. This is a doline made by the collapse of limestone into a cave system underneath with a volume of about 5,000 cubic meters. This is a volcanic maar made by the explosion of a steam eruption with a volume of about 20,000 cubic meters. This is a doline made by the collapse of limestone into a cave system underneath. Its volume is about 5,000 to 22,000 cubic meters —-- depending on the version of Google Earth you use.
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