Week 5 Journal



University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Health Science


Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by wafjacy on coursehero.com

How did this week's materials apply to your position and/or your organization? Developing the mission, vision, and values of any organization is the first step towards creating the momentum for the organization. In my organization, our mission is to provide technology- enabled personalized medication management to patients, caregivers, and long-term partners. Looking at what I learned in this week’s material I believe my organization’s mission highlighted one characteristic of mission statements: which is, it highlighted its uniqueness. The uniqueness of providing technology - enabled personalized medication management to patients. I was able to go back and read my organization’s mission, vision, and values. I was able to take some time and try to evaluate if they really had all the characteristics, purpose, and components that I learned in chapter 5. This was a great way for me to re-visit my organization’s mission, vision, and values. Describe your group dynamics and workload distribution this week. My project group dynamics really blended well in this week’s group project assignment. We all contributed well and stayed in communication throughout the week. This week’s work was well- distributed, and everyone had a portion to work on. I believe the workload in everyone’s portion was distributed fairly. Looking forward to next week’s group work.
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