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Feb 20, 2024





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HIS 100 Module Four Activity Template: Bias in Primary Sources Locate an additional primary source relevant to your historical event. Use it and the primary source you identified in a previous module to answer the questions below. Replace the bracketed text with your responses. Source One Conduct source analysis on a primary source relevant to your historical event. Attempt to write the APA style citation for your first primary source and include a link to it. You will not be penalized for incorrect format. Abramowitz, M. (2011). INR Information Memorandum from Morton Abramowitz to the Secretary of State: Estimate of Fatalities at Chernobyl Reactor Accident. Secret. https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/document/19496-national-security-archive-doc-9-inr-information (Original work published 1986) Respond to the following questions: Who authored or created the primary source? o Morton I. Abramowitz What was the author’s position in society at the time the primary source was created? o Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research When was the primary source created? o May 2 nd , 1986 Where was the primary source created, released, or publicized? o Where Created: Unsure. Information memo from Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research. You could reasonably assume it was generated from his office. o Released: May 2 nd , 1986 o Publicized: Declassified December 29 th , 2011 Who was the intended audience for the primary source? o Secretary of State, George Pratt Shultz Why was the primary source created? o To inform the Secretary of State of estimated fatalities from the reactor accident. Whose perspective(s) is presented in the source? o Source is presented from the perspective of Morton Abramowitz. 1
Source Two Conduct a source analysis on a primary source relevant to your historical event. Attempt to write the APA style citation for your second primary source and include a link to it. You will not be penalized for incorrect format. “Notice: Information from Places of Evacuation,” May 08, 1986, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, HDA SBU, f. 11, spr. 992, t. 29. Originally published by the Center for Research into the Liberation Movement (TsDVR) together with the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at http://avr.org.ua/index.php/viewDoc/24469/. https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/134303 Respond to the following questions: Who authored or created the primary source? o Unknown KGB officer What was the author’s or creator’s position in society at the time the primary source was created? o KGB officer from the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic When was the primary source created? o May 08, 1986 Where was the primary source created, released, or publicized? o Where created: unknown. o Released: May 08, 1986 Who was the intended audience for the primary source? o KGB officers of a higher level than the person writing the document. Why was the primary source created? o The provide information related to dissatisfaction amongst the locals on evacuees receiving better treatment and express how the situation has been handled. Whose perspective(s) is presented in the source? o Presents the perspectives from KGB officers in areas around Chernobyl which are then relayed by the officer who wrote the report. Both Sources Analyze the primary sources relevant to your historical event for the presence of bias. Source One: Source one clearly contains bias. The subject of the memo includes a handwritten addition of “Speculative” before estimate. The first sentence “The entire intelligence community believe a fatality figure of two is preposterous”, contains bias by use of “entire” and “preposterous”. He 2
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