Paper #6 - Pay Transparency (1)



Edison Community College *

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Information Systems


May 2, 2024





Uploaded by LieutenantFieldDonkey33 on

Paper #6 – Pay Transparency Paper #6 is required for this week and it will focus the current topic of pay transparency. For this paper, please do the following: 1. Read Chapter 12, “Establishing a Pay Structure”. 2. Read the following blog post to learn more about pay transparency: 3. Discuss the following: a. Referring to HRM Social (page 382), how can crowdsourcing pay information provide pay transparency to employees and job seekers? Provide two pros and two cons of using data from crowdsourcing sources. b. Referring to HR Oops (page 384), list two ways in which pay transparency could better help employees understand their compensation. c. Referring to pay structure information in Chapter 12, what information do you think should be provided to job seekers regarding pay for that position? Explain your reasoning for listing this information to job seekers. Use at least one outside source (in addition to the text book) as research for your responses. Your company’s HR department may be used as this additional outside source. The paper should be about 2 to 3 pages and should be written in MLA format. Be sure to include a reference page (in addition to the content pages) listing the outside source you used. When you have completed this assignment, save a copy for yourself and upload into Blackboard.
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