Supplemental Chapter 9 Assignments



Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Supplemental Chapter 9 Assignments CHAPTER 9: REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Terminology The terms below come from the chart note Impetigo that follows. Use a medical dictionary such as Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, the appendices of the textbook, or other resources to define each term. Review the pronunciations for each term and practice by reading the chart note aloud. 1. balanitis (băl-ă-NĪ-tĭs) – inflammation of the head of the penis 2. epididymis (ĕp-ĭ-DĬD-ĭ-mĭs) – narrow, coiled tube attached to testicles 3. erythematous (ĕr-ĭ-THĔM-ă-tŭs) – redness of skin 4. hydrocele (HĪ-drō-sēl) – swelling in the scrotum 5. hyperplasia (hī-pĕr-PLĀ-zē-ă) – enlargement of organ or tissue 6. induration (ĬN-dū-ră-shŭn) – soft tissue becomes thick and hard from inflammation 7. inguinal (ĬNG-gwĭ-năl) - groin 8. lesions (LĒ-zhŭnz) – tissue suffered damage 9. meatus (mē-Ā-tŭs) – passage leading to the interior of the body 10. prepuce (PRĒ-pūs) - foreskin 11. prostate specific antigen (PRŎS-tāt, ĂN-tĭ-jĕn) – enzyme released from the prostate found in men with prostate cancer 12. scrotal (SKRŌ-tăl) – external sac containing the testicles 13. torsion (TOR-shŭn) - twisting 14. urethral (ū-RĒ-thrăl) – pertaining to the urethra 15. urethritis (ū-rē-THRĪ-tĭs) – inflammation of the urethra
Chart Note: Acute Epididymitis Zach, a 28-year-old male, presents with a complaint of severe left-sided groin pain, scrotal pain, and urethritis with a clear urethral discharge. He says it has developed over the last 2 days. He is sexually active, heterosexual, and says he had two sexual partners within the last month, the most recent being 4 days ago. The patient is uncircumcised and the prepuce is easily retractable. There are no observable lesions on the glans or shaft, and there is no balanitis. The urethral meatus is normal. A clear discharge is expressed upon compression of the glans and swabs are obtained for testing. The testes are descended bilaterally, are smooth, and without masses. There is moderate pain and tenderness of the left testicle which is alleviated with elevation of the testicles. There is no evidence of torsion of the spermatic cord. The scrotum is erythematous and there is a left-sided hydrocele. The left epididymis is palpable with significant induration and tenderness. The right epididymis is normal and nontender. No inguinal or femoral hernia is felt. There is enlargement of the left inguinal lymph nodes. Rectal exam reveals mild prostatic hyperplasia and tenderness. Urinalysis is positive for leukocytes and bacteria. Impression: Acute epididymitis. Plan: Lab tests for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and prostate-specific antigen. Administer intravenous antibiotics, prescribe oral antibiotics and analgesics. Chart Note Analysis Select the term in the above chart note that means: 1. accumulation of serous fluid within a saclike cavity: hydrocele 2. inflammation of the glans penis: balanitis 3. pertaining to the groin: inguinial 4. blood test to detect prostatic disorders: prostate-specific antigen 5. inflammation of the urethra: urethritis 6. excessive increase in the number of cells in a tissue or organ: hyperplasia 7. skin which covers the head of the penis: foreskin 8. enlarged tip of the penis: balanitis 9. twisting of vessels: torsion 10. inflammation of the epididymis: epididymitis
Clinical Applications Complete the clinically related sentences by selecting a medical term from the list below. candidiasis endometriosis preeclampsia colposcopy herpes genitalis TURP cryptorchidism lumpectomy ectopic pregnancy orchidoplasty 1. A 65-year-old male with urinary obstruction is diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia. His physician recommends a surgical treatment to improve urinary flow by removing prostatic tissue. In this procedure, the surgeon inserts an endoscope into the penis and through the urethra, and then removes portions of prostatic tissue. This surgical procedure is called a(n) ___________TURP______________. 2. Cecilia is a 25-year-old gravida 1, para 0 who is in her 22nd week of gestation. She has a complaint of edema of her hands and feet. Her urinalysis is positive for proteinuria and her blood pressure is elevated at 148/96. She is advised that she may have a form of pregnancy- induced hypertension. This condition is called __________preeclampsia_________________. 3. An 18-year-old female complains of a white, cheesy, vaginal discharge and extreme itching of the vagina and vulva. During the gynecological examination, swabs of the discharge are obtained for laboratory testing. The NP suspects a fungal infection called ________candidiasis__________. 4. Michael is a 5-day-old neonate born 4 weeks’ premature. His mother is concerned because she can only locate one of Michael’s testicles. Her physician explains that Michael has a condition in which one or both testicles fail to descend into the scrotum. This condition is known as ___________cryptorchidism________________ . 5. A 26-year old male complains of burning and tingling at the head of his penis. He is also concerned about a small cluster of blisters on the shaft. A sample of the exudate is taken from the blisters. The physician suspects the patient has a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. He charts a diagnosis for this STD as ________herpes genitalis______________. 6. A 39-year-old female presents to the ED with a complaint of severe right-sided abdominal pain that radiates to her pelvis. She states her last menstrual period was about 8 weeks ago. During the pelvic examination, she expresses tenderness of the uterus and fallopian tubes. An implantation of the fertilized ovum outside of the uterine cavity is suspected and the physician diagnoses it as a(n)_________ectopic pregnancy______________. 7. This 30-year-old female is seen today for a follow-up visit due to a previous abnormal Pap test. The gynecologist uses an optical magnifying instrument to visualize the interior of the vagina and the cervix. This procedure is known as a(n)___________colposcopy________________ __ . 8. Mrs. J. is a 40-year-old female with a complaint of pelvic pain and heavy menstrual flow. While performing the pelvic examination, her physician feels lumps behind the uterus. He suspects the presence of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus known as _____endometriosis__________. 9. A 33-year-old male sustains a severe laceration of the left testicle in a construction accident. The urologist decides the patient must undergo surgical repair of the testicle, commonly referred to as _____________orchidoplasty_______________ _______. 10. A 60-year-old female is diagnosed with early-stage cancer of the left breast. The gynecologist finds there is only one tumor with no metastasis and recommends removal of the primary tumor along with some of the
surrounding tissue. This surgical procedure is known as a(n) ___________lumpectomy__________________ __.
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