

University of Louisiana, Monroe *

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May 7, 2024





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David Mathews CJUS 5055 – Sociology of Law 5.2 Critical Thinking Exercise June 2, 2016 1. What are some informal social controls that govern your lie? For me, language has always been a form of social control because of the stigmas attached to an individual’s ethnicity. Indeed, it is a window into social relationships as theorized by the cognitive psychologist, Steven Pinker. 2. Describe at least 2 culture-specific informal social controls? Prejudice and shunning would be two culture-specific informal social controls. Due to small homogeneous communities, deviance is not likely to occur in small-based communities. 3. What are some criminal sanctions that you believe should be controlled through informal rather than formal controls? Rape and murder appear to be best controlled through informal social controls because of the lower tolerance and mentalities in small homogeneous societies. 4. Do you agree with the death penalty? Why or why not? No. The death penalty issue is a morality versus spiritual argument, especially for those with religious backgrounds, and it is often hard to answer the question without violating one’s own personal beliefs because the thought and decision would reverberate throughout one’s consciousness. 5. Do you agree with the categorization of some crimes as “victimless”? Should these crimes be legalized? I believe that at the root of the word, victim means that someone else has suffered at the hands of another either directly or indirectly; therefore, if the public offender only affects himself/herself (ves) and have just been labeled repugnant by the public view than the category should exist.
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