Week 11 - Study_questions_Race_Prejudice



Temple University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Reading 2 (Blackboard) - Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position, Herbert Blumer 1. Blumer’s 1958 article “Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position” aims to show that racial prejudice is - A group position rather than a feeling that a racial group has towards another - a collective process (more realistic) - the article focuses on the concern of the relationships between the different racial groups 2. Describe the type of feelings that seem to be always present in race prejudice in the dominant group. - feelings of superiority - feeling that the subordinate race is alien or intrinsically different - feels as though they have a proprietary claim on certain areas of privilege - feels as though the subordinate race is plotting against them 3. What originates with race prejudice? - the notion is that individuals who harbor racial prejudice identify themselves with a specific ethnic group - people with racial prejudice also categorize other people into different racial categories that they are prejudiced against - meaning that the idea of racial bias cannot exist without racial identification in the first place 4. Where does the collective image of a subordinate racial group come from? - Comes from dominate group - 4 basic types of feelings (#2) - Dominate race would create stereotypes for the subordinate groups to self- assure their role as the dominate race - “not of our kind” - “getting out of place”
5. What does Blumer point out about strong interest groups? What points do Blumer make about how sociologists should study racial prejudice? - The self-interests that these strong interest groups have dictate the kind of position they wish the dominant racial group to enjoy - This position may be one that enables them to gain greater advantages - These groups may seek to manufacture events that attract public attention o These events will be interpreted in the favor of their interests - Blumer says it is wrong to look at racial prejudice from an individual perspective o Rather it should be studied as an entire group overall
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