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Jan 9, 2024





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1 Action Research Study Report School of Public Service and Education, Capella University EDD-FPX8040: Research Design for Practitioners November 25, 2023
2 Introduction Improving students' mathematical skills has been an urgent emphasis in the United States, and one of the approaches to achieve this is to prepare teachers with better mathematical instruction. Mostofo and Zambo (2015) conducted an action research study to investigate the potential effectiveness of using Lesson Study to support preservice mathematics teachers' training. Action research is a systematic inquiry involving cycles of "Look-Think-Act" (Stringer & Aragón, 2020, p. 8) with stakeholders collaboratively to understand the problem of practice and reflect on the contextual factors toward developing solutions. Jim, the primary author of this action research study and an instructor of a methods course for preservice mathematics teachers, observed that many preservice teachers underestimated the complexity of actual classroom instruction and the need to develop habitual professional learning to hone their pedagogies. He believed preservice teachers needed opportunities to learn by doing through mentorship and coaching in low-stakes settings. As a doctoral student, Jim engaged in this action research to determine if the Japanese Lesson Study with preservice mathematics teachers might better prepare them to be more effective in classrooms (Mostofo & Zambo, 2015). Research Theory Framework Jim, acted as an investigative observer, implemented this action research by recruiting his preservice teachers enrolled in his methods course in an undergraduate teacher preparation program at a private university. Grounded with the Vygotsky Space as the theoretical framework, the stakeholders internalize the social practice, apply it in their context, and finally externalize the practice in other contexts (Gallucci et al., 2010, as cited in Mostofo & Zambo, 2015). Basing on the individuals' interaction and relationship, Jim relied on the collaborative efforts between the researcher and the consent participants actively engaged in an iterative
3 process of creating, field-testing, reflecting, revising, and reteaching lessons collaboratively as part of the course curriculum.  Through the interactive stages, the process was to inform him of ways to improve his practice as a methods instructor and how the innovation of adopting Lesson Study would enhance preservice teachers' learning and experience (Mostofo & Zambo, 2015). 1. Mostofo and Zambo (2015) chose Vygotsky Space as the theoretical framework. Additionally, later in the article, the authors asserted that," Jim's goal was to create an innovation that allowed preservice teachers the opportunity to teach more in the methods classroom before teaching in the field-experience classroom and to systematically investigate the effect of this" (p. 499). Based on the chosen theoretical framework, reflect on the degree to which you think this framework was appropriate for and aligned to the intended purpose of this action research project? Vygotsky Space was appropriate for this action research study because the framework emphasizes the role of interaction between individual and collective actions and how it transforms from one setting to another. In Jim's methods course, he connected the preservice teachers' learned lessons and reflections through practice-teach experience based on Lesson Study in class in which the participants taught the revised lessons in their field-experience classroom. Through this iterative process in the action research, he collected data from the participants' reflections and researcher-participants post-field-teaching interviews to analyze the effect of applying Lesson Study and the participants' perceptions of having opportunities to teach in the methods course and receive feedback before teaching in the field classrooms (Mostofo & Zambo, 2015).
4 2. Mostofo and Zambo (2015) collaborated with a variety of colleagues to develop this action research intervention. In light of this process, reflect on what potential roles stakeholder collaboration might have on the conceptualization and development of your AIP? Collaboration among stakeholders brings diverse perspectives and experiences to enrich the action research process. When stakeholders rely on each other's expertise and contribution to investigate the problem, they take ownership of their goals and commit to leading them to reach the research outcomes. With stakeholders' understanding and involvement of the AIP, they provide support in their expertise, finance, and feedback for the project solutions. Methodology Jim's methods course was the only required mathematics methods course in the secondary education program at his university. The course met three times for 65 minutes each per week for 16 weeks. In addition to the class meetings, the preservice teachers enrolled in the courses were required to participate in 15 hours of field experience in a secondary school classroom. They were paired with a designated teacher to teach two lessons in the designated class. Of the eight preservice teachers enrolled in Jim's course, six of them agreed to participate in this study. These six participants were directly involved in Lesson Study to develop lessons and rehearse them collectively before teaching them in their field-experience classrooms.  The Lesson Study process had two phases. The first phase consisted of the participants working in groups of three. They collectively developed a written lesson plan, including example algebra problems, worksheets, and activities. The lesson materials were emailed to Jim, who would provide feedback before one of them taught the lesson in the methods course. The preservice teacher who taught the lesson would reflect on the experience, followed by the group discussing the lesson with feedback and suggestions. Jim also gave feedback during the
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