
14-Year-Old Princess Quotes

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The first section of the novel is a great way to start the story. The main detail is that 14-year-old, Mia Thermopolis (a quirky, street smart girl) gets the news that she is now inheriting a generation of the Royalty of a small nation called Genovia after her father had announced that he can no longer conceive children. Her princess name in Amelia Renaldo. Mia tries to juggle that shocking information with her school problems, like how she is failing algebra, social dilemmas, like how Mia has a huge crush on a boy that doesn’t even know she exists or how Mia’s mom is dating her algebra teacher, and emotional issues, like how she feels she does not fit the perfect teenage girl description. Everything in her life is turning upside down as she continues unearthing her destiny. {Pg. 42 “I’m a princess. Oh my God. Everything good about my day just went out the window.”} The next section talks about Mia’s life starting to dramatically change very quickly as she begins to fulfill her duty as the princess while attempting to …show more content…

The boy Mia has a big crush on suddenly shows interest in her after hearing about Mia’s true identity, Mia then figures out that he only is interested in her because she is famous and the only thing that helps her cope is the friendly and loving support of others. This makes Mia realize that happiness comes from being with people who respect her for the person she is on the inside. Towards the end of the story, some main details are; she makes a new friend named Tina who also has a bodyguard with her at all times, she reconciles with her good friend Lily after being in a big fight, and she could possibly have a small relationship with Lily’s older brother who is also someone who helped Mia when she was in need. Through all of Mia’s hard times, stressful situations and royal responsibilities she managed to find true

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