
3HRC Activity 2

Decent Essays

Understanding organisations and the role of Human Resources
Activity 2

The following report contains information on how Human Resources can support the organisation with both internal processes and meeting key business objectives.
Human resources and the services they provide can be seen as the crucial link between staff and the achieving the business goals and objectives.
They are there to create, produce and maintain all policies and procedures. And more importantly ensure that procedures are correctly followed and fairly enforced in the work place.
They support both line managers and senior managers in maintaining a strong and agile workforce and ensuring business objectives are passed down through the …show more content…

Any training provided can be monitored and evaluated to ensure we get a return on investment (ROI). This can be done with the support of line managers and the appraisal process.

3.2 Supporting line managers and their staff
Human resources general day to day activities are supporting team leader and departmental managers with general HR issues. We support them in providing a consistent and managed approach to ensure company procedures and policies are followed.
For example
Recruitment and Selection
Human Resource Practice says “it maybe a cliché that people are an organisations greatest assest, but no orgaisation exists without people and nothing is achieved expect through their efforts” (Page 9)
The above quote is correct and Human resources hold regular meetings with departmental managers to review current recruitment actives. We will assist in writing and maintaining job adverts and ensure recruitment costs are kept to a minimum by using free recruitment sites.
We will also review, log and evaluate any CV’s before progressing them to the relevant managers. Human resources will co-ordinate interview dates, venues and staff to ensure recruitment is carried out in a speedy and professional manner.
We will also carry out exit interviews with any leavers to understand how we are performing as an organisation and make sure the turnover of staff is kept to a minimum.
HR enforcement
Human resources will ensure company procedures are followed by

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