
A Brief Note On Diabetic Foot Ulcers And Diabetes

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Diabetic Foot Ulcers Abigail McBrien Introduction Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus, is a condition that affects either the pancreas 's ability to produce insulin, or the body 's ability to effectively use the insulin produced. A common effect of diabetes is hyperglycemia – raised blood sugar (World Health Organisation 1999). The World Health Organisation states that, in 2014, the world prevalence of diabetes amongst adults (aged over 18) was 9% (World Health Organisation 2012). The organisation also estimates that more than 347million people worldwide, including 2.9million in the UK alone, have diabetes (Diabetes 2015). There are two types of diabetes. Type one, often referred to as juvenile diabetes, is common amongst children. It can, …show more content…

Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey has found that more than 2 out of 3 adults is overweight or obese. This same survey found that 1 in 3 children and teenagers (aged six to nineteen) are overweight or obese. Being overweight or obese at such a young age will likely cause these children to develop many serious conditions later on in life, including: coronary heart disease, type two diabetes, and even some types of cancer. This paper will focus on a common, though not inevitable, side effect of Diabetes – Diabetic Foot Ulcers. An ulcer is a wound or sore that fails to heal correctly or at all. In well-developed countries, it is estimated that the annual incidence of foot ulcers in diabetic patients is 2%. However, in less-developed countries, where diabetes is more common, it is estimated to be much higher (Boulton 2005). The leading cause of hospitalisation, of diabetic patients, is foot disorders including ulceration, gangrene, and infection (Boulton 2005). Unfortunately, due to infection or severe ischaemia, an inadequate blood supply, a large number of these cases will result in amputation. Approximately 85 percent of all diabetes-related foot amputations, are predated by foot ulcers (Pecoraro 1990). In the US, patients with a diabetic foot ulcer see their outpatient carers on average fourteen times a year, and are hospitalised

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