
A Briref Look at Labor Unions

Decent Essays

The Industrial Revolution marked a switch from mainly an agrarian economy to standardized, mass production economy. Businesses increasingly focused on mechanizing and streamlining the production process by employing high-powered machinery and reducing workers to interchangeable parts. As a result, it often created poor employment and living conditions for the poor, newly arrived immigrants and the working classes; this, finally, gave rise to labor unions. The labor unions fought for higher wages, safe working conditions and fair working hours. Yet, a business's main goal is to maximize its revenue by either reducing the cost of producing goods and services, or increasing the sales of its goods and services. In the case of reducing production costs, how can a business and its union employees come to terms with balancing both their needs and desires? Because, often, the interests of companies and union workers collide, and for them to reach a settlement is a major challenge, like in the case of Postal office and its union workers. Workers in certain occupations and industries find it advantageous to organize into unions and sell collectively their labor services instead of competing for jobs individually. Labor unions through their collective negotiation powers, they uphold workers' rights and effectively communicate worker grievances. In fact, labor unions have higher negotiating power in contrast to individual workers. There are several strategies that labor unions

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