
A Career In Coding

Decent Essays

Coding has quickly become a very important part of modern society. In fact, coding is used in every single computer. Each computer talks in a form of language called the Binary Language. This language is spoken is a system and pattern of ones and zeros. Through time, coding has evolved into more complex languages. In Computers in Engineering at CBHS, the students learn a coding language called Python. Python is exclusively used today and in many coding jobs. Computers in Engineering is a dual enrollment class offered from Christian Brothers University. Every day in Computers in Engineering, the students will learn the coding language, Python. Some students may see the class as pointless because coding solely relies on the availability of a …show more content…

This is another reason to learn code. Many students want to grow up and make a lot of money. Also, coding is fun to learn and to apply to situations. Computers in Engineering has taught the students that coding could mean programming video games, running websites, being an IT guy at a school, or even working at places like Google or Apple. The students could think of it as having the ability to do something fun every day and then make money as a benefit of working in code. Finally, Computers in Engineering has taught the students that they should strongly consider a career in coding because it has so many …show more content…

In Computers in Engineering, the students help each other solve complex problems through various ways of problem solving together. Through working together, the students are taught how to be part of a team and learn how to ask the right questions to fellow classmates and the teacher. The class teaches the students the importance of respecting one another and learning to not be afraid to ask simple questions. Also, teamwork is an essential part of jobs in the real world. Mrs. Smith has taught the students that people work together on projects all the time in the real world. In addition, people in the real world rarely work alone because it is boring, inefficient, and isolating. Ultimately, Computers in Engineering is teaching its students almost every skill to prepare for the real world outside of

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