
A Career In Nursing

Decent Essays

There are many factors that attribute to my desire to pursue a career in nursing. My personal experiences in health care settings, both as a patient and as a volunteer, brought to my attention my strong desire to live a life that will impact others in a positive way. A career in nursing is a perfect channel through which I can fulfill this desire to make a difference in the lives of others.
Throughout my life, I have seen nurses that went above and beyond to help the patient, as well as those that did the bare minimum required of them. I have seen how a nurse has the potential to either ease the anxiety in a room or worsen it. I have always greatly respected the nursing position and believe that it is one that should not be taken lightly, as …show more content…

I volunteer at the Kennedy Health Care Center, and as a volunteer, I am directly involved with the long-term care patients of the facility. Throughout the whole experience, I learned a great deal about interacting with confused and scared individuals because many of the residents at the facility have some form of dementia. I will never forget one specific interaction that taught me a valuable lesson on the impact of those working in healthcare. There was an elderly resident in the facility that was known to be difficult to deal with. She would incessantly cry out “Save me!" although there was nothing wrong. Because this was typical behavior for the women, the people around her would often pay little attention to her. One afternoon I saw that this women’s cries were irritating the other residents in the dayroom. I went up to the women and began talking to her to try to calm her down. I was able to get her to realize that there was nothing wrong. Once she was calm I asked her if she would like me to paint her nails, and she looked thrilled with my proposition. After I painted her nails, I witnessed her entire mood change. Instead of shouting, she spent the rest of the afternoon showing off her newly painted nails. I saw her entire mood change simply from me taking the time to show her that I cared. When I become a nurse, my day will be full of opportunities to show patients that I care, and that is something that I look forward

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