
A College Education: Overrated or Invaluable? Essay

Decent Essays

Since the beginning of the 20th Century, college education has been available for everyone and anyone who is willing to develop their knowledge regarding a specific professional field. Currently in the United States, the percentage of high school graduates going to college has increased considerably: 68 percent in 2011 compared to 49 percent in 1940 (Menand, 2) and the record high set in 2009 with 70 percent of total high school graduates enrolled in college ("Bureau of Labor Statistics"). Notwithstanding, it has come to the attention of many that the college tuition and fees have been increasing at an accelerated rate. According to The New York Times, college tuition and fees increased 439 percent from 1982 to 2007 (Lewin, 1). This …show more content…

In addition to the social aspects, college teaches how to develop independent thinking. It also “exposes future citizens to material that enlightens and empowers them, whatever careers they end up choosing” (Menand, 3). However, most students today perceive college fundamentally as a party scene and various forms of entertainment instead of focusing on school work. They have forgotten about the academic freedom provided by receiving a proper college education.
Television and movies portray college to be one big party with lots of kegs and girls who go crazy. While there is that, the main reason for college is to academically evolve and get a higher education. Without the necessary grades, one cannot stay in college. High school graduates tend to forget about this requirement and focus on the partying more than the studying. For example, at the University of Tampa it is required for most majors that students maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) if they wish to stay in the institution. There has been the case where students cannot keep up with this lifestyle, juggling between schoolwork and excessive partying; forcing them to drop out during their first two semesters. According to Reuters: “The United States has the highest dropout rate in the

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