
A Hero's Journey Essay

Decent Essays

take to the hospital (or at least that's what my brothers tell me they are), and I want to watch out my window! Oh! And dad just came home from work in London! It's a little early for him to be home, so I'm going to go and ask him how his day was. *Walks to the dining area to ask how his day went* He says he felt really hot during his day and grew tired, and it turns out, he has a slight fever. I got to go and tend to him for a little while, see you tomorrow! Creative essay: If I was a crew member aboard the ship Nina Crew members log: week 10: Today is Thursday, October 8, 1492. I miss my home, I miss my wife and my kid, I miss grass, I miss it all. They told me I was going to be rich, gold farther than the eye can see. All I see is blue. A trapping and suffocating type of blue, the blue you love to explore, until you get lost. That's how I feel, alone, trapped, and not able to get out. There's talk of mutiny circling, and I'm wondering who to kill. They call him Columbus; he's the captain of our ships. Alas, I am aboard the wrong ship, and there is no way to get to him. …show more content…

He knows of our plot. He cut us a deal. He wants three days to find any land, and if we don't, we can do whatever we want to the guy! Personally, it’s not him I have a bone to pick with, its King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella I don't like. They had to pick me for this! This is a suicide mission, everyone knows that there's nothing this far out here! I never planned on being this far from shore at any point in my life. This far out, anything could happen to us and we would be fish food. We lost all support 2700 miles ago. Nothing ever good comes from being this far out,

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