
A Man's Search For Searching

Decent Essays

Case Study #2 A Man’s Search for Meaning In this case study you have a young man who is in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. He has lost the will to live as a result. He has asked you to keep this multi-pronged sword, a secret. The Ethical problem here is that he has asked you to lie for him and to overlook the fact that he is going to exhaust his own life. If nothing is said you will essentially be an accessory to murder if you say nothing and you will have to live with this decision. I would deal with this ethical dilemma by following a ‘procedural based approach’. I would use this method because it is the most through and objective of all of the other approaches. I feel that when dealing with someone’s life the most objective procedures should be employed as to keep any emotions out of the equation. If these methods can be used this ethical dilemma can be both solved and no values or principles will be compromised. 2. Firstly, I would identify the issues. This case is full of lost hope and a perspective of life shattered in the aftermath of a tragic accident. It is full of …show more content…

This young man has a new injury and has not had time to consider his life beyond this life-changing accident. The only thoughts in his head are that the life he knows has come to an end. He is in a dark tunnel with no light at the end of it. This would be the time that I would search for many positive role models who are in wheelchairs. I would help him see that adversity does not have to end your life; it will be different but not over. I would tell him that the ultimate choice is his if he would want to end his life but I would ask him to consider that he can still achieve his dreams in a wheelchair and that the smartest man in the world, Steven Hawking has been in a wheelchair most of his life and that has not slowed him

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