
A Minor Confidentiality Issue : Qu

Decent Essays

Name: Bayo Oshunlalu
Unit #: 8
Unit Title: A Minor Confidentiality Issue

Qu. 1. Is Tavion’s mother’s statement of concern of abuse sufficient to warrant further investigation by the hospital?
Insert your response to Qu. 1. …………………………
Yes, Tavion’s mother’s statement of concern about the suspicion of abuse should warrant a valid reason to lunch investigation in the child injury. Moreover, the emergency department staff had suspicion about the Tavion’s injury due to the fact injury is not consistence with an injury sustained in park playground. Hospitals are mandate by law to report any suspicion of child abuse; the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act enacted in 1974 was designed to encourage the reporting of child abuse cases, and prevention. In addition, most states have enacted laws to further protect abuse children, and most states protect the individual required to report cases of suspected child abuse; the following individual are eligible to report suspected cases of abuse include healthcare administrators, physicians, interns, registered nurse, chiropractors, social service workers, psychologists, dentists, osteopaths, optometrists, podiatrists, mental health professionals, and volunteer in healthcare facilities (Pozgar, 2014).

Qu. 2. Should Tavion’s mother be directed to a different department of the hospital or another organization regarding her concern of abuse?
Insert your response to Qu. 2. ………………………… Yes, given the fact the hospital cannot release

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