
A Research Proposal On Electrical Vehicles

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Executive summary Electrical vehicles technology has been present for a while and is a proven technology that need only reshaping to meet the global need. Though, in the past, the technology had failed to compete with the internal combustion engine due to initial cost, the technology has done well in the past few years. Electric vehicle ability to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon and carbon dioxide and the advantages it enjoys such as low maintenance and running cost can enhance it market competitiveness. However, as experts try to make its charging system more efficient and its ability to store charge more long lasting, the global need continue to rise. The research proposal, therefore, aim at addressing an issue like government involvement can enhance improved use of EV, development of better EV batteries, energy management system and fast charging can help enhance the use of Electrical Vehicles and how electric vehicle drive train and the battery can be redesigned to make it affordable.

The transport sector is one of the main global consumers of fossil fuel related energy in the world. Unfortunately fossil fuel is non-renewable source of energy and the production of oil has been fluctuating in the recent past. At the same time, combustion of petroleum related fuel release greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide that destroy the ozone layer and result to further environmental degradation. Therefore to work

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