
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Hillary Rodham Clinton

Decent Essays

Presidential nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a recent speech at a private fundraising event geared toward LGBT rights supporters, addressed her political opponent, Donald J. Trump and his supporters. The fundraiser was hosted by singer and actress, Barbra Streisand and her wealthy counterparts. The former Secretary of State argued that half of Donald Trump’s supporters can be put into a “basket of deplorable” and alluded that the other half are simply anti-government. Clinton supported her assertion by using logical fallacies by making hasty generalizations, faulty cause and effect, and bandwagon appeals. She also solidified her reasoning by stating, the supporters in the “basket of deplorable” are racists, sexists, xenophobic, and many …show more content…

In the third paragraph, Hillary Clinton appealed to the emotions of her audience by using the fallacy of ad misericordiam, which appeals to pity, while describing the treatment of LGBT youth in the inner city and suburbs. The presidential nominee argued, “You can get married on Saturday, post your pictures on Sunday and get fired on Monday. That's why we've got to continue the forward march of progress” (para. 5). That is an example of Clinton making a hasty generalization. She informed her audience of an isolated case and presented it as normal, recurring event. The majority of Clinton’s sixth paragraph employed the fallacy of ad populum. She only explained her plans for office as it pertained to her audience. Her audience was at a fundraiser for leaders and supporters of LGBT rights, thus she only explained her plans to uplift the LGBT community and nothing else. Clinton used the bandwagon appeal to refer to Donald Trump’s supporters when she called to put half of them in a group called the “basket of deplorables” (para. 7). Donald Trump’s supporters are often the subject of attention because of their colorful tactics and Hillary Clinton tried to cash in on that. Lastly, the Democratic presidential nominee also employed the logical fallacy of faulty cause and effect. It is evident when she said, “We will win if people turn out to vote. There is no doubt in my mind that we will win” (para. 10). Hillary Clinton is trying to …show more content…

She has lost all credibility due to recent scandals. I believe she is unfit to become president, both physically and politically. Although FDR was ill as president and propelled the nation in a desperate time, we as a country are not desperate enough to elect a president that is not healthy. She may be the candidate with more political experience, but with recent revelations about the Clintons, it makes her the worse candidate. My background and heritage may make me an unlikely Trump supporter, but that proves just how I little trust I have for HRC. This speech did not cause any change on my views or beliefs, as a matter of fact, it just confirmed my views. In her intent to humor her wealthy crowd, she really made a case for all supporters of Donald Trump by making these heinous remarks. Her comment opened the floodgates and allowed for criticism about her hypocritical stance on issues. Hillary Clinton did exactly what the media, politicians, and her own team accuse Trump and his supporters of doing; making insensitive and politically incorrect comments. The Trump team is taking advantage of this horrific comment and spinning it as if it was a scarlet letter, with the sole purpose of spiting Clinton. The word deplorable has gone as far as being printed on baseball caps, t-shirts, and even bumper stickers. Fortunately for them, supporters are responding positively. This comment was poor judgement

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