
A Social Business, Microlending Essay

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What is microlending? In simplest terms microlending is the lending of very small amounts of money at low interest, to low income people in urban and rural areas. It started forty years ago, when a person named Muhammad Yunus was visiting his family and his country Bangladesh which had recently become an independent country. Muhammad Yunus had left his home country then –East Bengal- when he was a child with his parents in search of a better future. He graduated from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, with a PhD in economics. Muhammad Yunus is the founder of Grameen Bank, the first non-profit organization to offer microfinance services in Bangladesh and in the world (New York Times). This bank showed the world on how little …show more content…

The money to start the business came from donations and from a loan from the bank where he served as the guarantor. Hence Grameen bank was created, the bank started expanding very rapidly because people were paying their loans back given that they had to pay very little on interests, and it was much easier to pay the capital back. As time progressed and Grameen Bank kept getting bigger, Grameen bank representatives noticed that women in comparison with men were always punctual with their payments and that they were the most productive with their money, and took it directly to their families, which was the mission when the bank was created (New Delhi). Based on those facts, Grameen bank created more programs for women. For instance, Grameen bank would give a woman a goat or a chicken depending on what the woman picked so that she can sell the milk or eggs and she would also get a weekly stipend. If something were to go wrong, she would not be tempted to kill the animal to feed her family. Grameen bank obtained these animals from donations and from purchases the bank itself made. When the animal was no longer productive, they would kill it and sell the meat to the same people at very low prices (Wall Street Journal).
At the beginning when Muhammad Yunus first introduced the idea of lending money to the poor people, there was a lot of apprehensiveness and skepticism among conventional banks because poor people

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