
A Study On The Ismaili Council Essay

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3. Methods

This is a deductive study in which hypotheses were generated on the basis of current literature concerning the research topic (Bryman, 2008). Through the findings of my literature review, I developed a testable hypothesis. My methodology consists of an ordered set of steps that I will follow in conducting my research. This method of pre-planned research is referred to as a "linear" research path and helps maintain a direct and narrow focus in quantitative research (Neuman & Robson, 2014).

3.1 Sample Selection
The Ismaili Council is a volunteer based religious organization made up of groups, similar to departments, referred to as portfolios. I will conduct a whole network analysis (census) of four non-randomly selected groups (portfolios) in the Ismaili Council. The selected portfolios are the: Aga Khan Youth & Sports Board, Arts & Culture Board, Junior Volunteer Corps., and the Youth and Young Professionals Portfolio. To select the portfolios, I first obtained a list of all portfolios from an informant that I have known for a while (information withheld to maintain confidentiality) and selected on the basis of extensive experience in the organization. Subsequently, I analyzed the target population each population serviced. These groups were chosen to limit the sample, as SNA of the entire population would require too much time. Furthermore, these groups were chosen, because they have overlapping service populations – youth and young professionals aged 16-30 –

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