
AP Calculus A: A Short Story

Decent Essays

Growing up, I was always one of those students who never got anything less than an A. From proudly receiving stickers and praise notes in elementary school to non-stop studying for an algebra test, I’ve always expected an A on my assignments. But then came junior year of high school. I had signed up for one of my school’s most demanding courses, AP Calculus AB. On the first day of class, the teacher explained the depth of the material we would be learning, telling us that it would cover a wide range of math, and showed us a brief introduction to it. He also mentioned that it was a course where we would have to take time and learn the material on our own. Having gotten straight A’s since the day I started attending school, I had no worries towards these statements. …show more content…

Everyone in the classroom sat quietly in their desk, waiting with for the teacher to call out our name to see our scores. Name after name was called. I could see the faces of disappointment cross my classmates’ faces as they saw their grades. My teacher finally called my name. I nervously made my way up to the front of the room and took the test as my teacher handed it to me. As soon as I saw my grade, I felt my stomach drop and my mind go into panic. I had absolutely bombed the first test of the year. I wasn’t the only one, but I couldn’t believe the grade that I had gotten which was far off what I expected. After receiving the horrendous scores from the test, students began to drop the class. In just two weeks, the once filled class was reduced to a small classroom of only fifteen students. Everyone in the class was overwhelmed and stressed by the amount of work load that we were being given. As for me, I was doing worse and worse as the class progressed. For the first time in my life, I was on the verge of receiving a failing grade on my progress report. I had two clear options: give it my all and make it through or drop and save my

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