
Accessing Patient Pathology Details

Decent Essays

Accessing Patient Pathology Details

Jessica Harper

Words: 741

In Australia, medical information is generally considered confidential and safeguarded under the law. Ethics is classified as “Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2014). Decisions concerning prognosis, diagnosis and treatment are often centered on results and interpretations of laboratory tests. Permanent damage can be caused by intentionally or unintentionally breaching the Code of conduct. That is, if the principals of ethics are not applied the patient or someone else will suffer. In this particular scenario of the patient’s pathology details being accessed and revealed to the partner, the three key ethical issues that are breached are Autonomy, Non-maleficence and Beneficence.

Regard for autonomy is one of the essential guidelines of clinical ethics. Autonomy in a medical setting is not simply allowing patients to make their own decisions. For a Medical laboratory scientist, regard for autonomy involves respecting an individual’s entitlement to self-determination (Varelius, 2006) (Linehan et al., 2002). The principle of non-maleficence simply means that one should behave in a way that does not impose evil or do harm to others (Linehan et al., 2002). This principle can be defied with or without intent. Although no harm was intended when making the decision to reveal the test results, it could lead

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