
Accounting - Chapter 1

Decent Essays

Chapter 1: The Accounting Environment – What is Accounting and Why is it Done?

Accounting is a system for gathering data about an entity’s economic activity, processing and organizing the data and in turn, communicating that information to people who want to use it to make decisions.

Data are unprocessed facts about an entity’s economic activity that is entered into an accounting system whereas information results from organizing and presenting the data in ways that make it useful for decision making by stakeholders.

Financial Accounting provides information to people who are external (investors, lenders, taxation authorities (CRA), competitors) to an entity.

Managerial Accounting provides information to internal users …show more content…

It sets out the rights and responsibilities of the partners

Not-for-Profit Organizations
 Provide social, educational, professional, religious, health, charitable and other services (e.g. hospitals,, charities)
 Can incorporate and provide members with limited liability
 Exempt from paying income taxes

 Financial reporting by governments is an important source of accountability

 Filing an income tax return every year with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) – responsible for administration and enforcement of federal tax laws
 Borrowing money from banks, preparing budgets, insuring homes and belongings

Stakeholders (different users, different decisions & different information) are groups or individuals that might be interested or have a stake in an entity.
 Each stakeholder has specific decisions to make concerning an entity.
 The information most useful to one stakeholder group might be different from what is useful to another.

Examples of Stakeholders

 The owners who don’t manage the business need information to evaluate how well their investment is doing, determine if management is doing a good job, assess the effectiveness of business strategies, consider whether they should sell their interest in the entity or decide if managers should be replaced.

 Need information to determine if an entity will be able to pay money owed and in case the entity

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