
Adderall: The Future

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The Future is Now Today, college students across the nation live for the future. They dream of future gadgets and gizmos and medicine that can solve all of our problems. I am happy to say we live in the future, today. With the increase of modern technology, college students have had access to very effective prescription drugs. One hot topic of discussion involves the excessive use of Adderall. Described as an amphetamine mix, Adderall is prescribed to treat attention deficit disorder and has proven to restore the balance of neuro transmitters, fight tiredness, and provide mild euphoria. Recently, the drug has been popular among college students for off-label use, enabling them to study for hours with full concentration and without fatigue. …show more content…

Today, students are faced with multiple kinds of pressures, such as: “(a) pressure to succeed; (b) socio-cultural expectations; (c) collegiate lifestyle; (d) and accessibility to prescription stimulants” (Varga). Society is forcing students to break the law. Adderall has become so tempting because it is common nature to cope with stress and stressors. Due to society’s competitive nature, individuals feel as though they need to cheat in order to outperform and this has led to expansive illegal drug use. The college lifestyle plays a large contribution to Adderall use because of the “features commonly associated with college life, such as staying up all night partying, studying through the night, and having rigorous academic and extracurricular schedules” (Varga). Adderall is used to cope with juggling many activities. Using stimulants is incentivizing to students suffering from exhaustion. Adderall eases students’ capability to obtain academic success and continue to live a life of achievement. A significant factor contributing to the practicing habits of Adderall is not just centered around pressure and business, but also one’s personal morals and their perspective of the …show more content…

In a 2009 study performed by members of the Department of Psychology at the University of Albany, it was recorded that the past-year prevalence rates of stimulant prescription misuse for individual colleges within the United States ranged up to 25% (Looby). This is a remarkable statistic because up to a quarter of a school’s population is a large representation of students. These individuals find it appropriate to improve brain functionality through the use of Adderall. This is ironic because these students are choosing to illegally obtain Adderall in order to better their school lives. If this many individuals are using non-prescription Adderall to enhance their ability to perform, then the legalization of over the counter use should be considered because students feel obligated to take the drug in order succeed inside the classroom. Based on our culture as hardworking Americans, students should be commended for their desire to have an edge over their competition. It seems ludicrous to penalize students who want to be more academically driven and do so by not hurting anyone. In schools located in the northeastern region of the United States, the highest percentage of students illegally obtaining stimulants, such as Adderall, sky rockets to 35% (Looby). This many students participating in

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