
Adult Learning Is The Acquisition Of Knowledge By Adults

Better Essays

Webster University
HRDV 5610
Midterm Paper
Muzhda Rasool

Adult learning is the acquisition of knowledge by adults. Theories on adult learning have been discoursed and analyzed thoroughly by different people, with the aim of trying to define it and optimize it. The two articles I have read describe adult learning, discuss its characteristics and explain various approaches and means of optimization of this subject.
Abstract 1
Basically, this article by Malcolm Knowles is a conglomerate of all aspects of adult learning. It outlines aspects of adult learning, theories of adult learning, and expands on them. The main idea of this article is to create awareness on the existence of adult learning, and to help instructors of adult learning to know how to go about it successfully. Additionally, the article is of help to adult learners to enable them to learn the most they can (Knowles, 2007).
Matters concerning adult learning in the article are:
Active Learning
This involves a learning process that engages the learners. Attention is moved from the teacher to the learners through practices such as role playing, group work and problem-based approaches, for instance. These activities put the learners in a situation where it is up to them to use available learning resources to solve problems, hence causing active learning.
Adult Learning Concepts
These are principles that enhance and promote quality and successful adult learning. These concepts include:

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