
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cloud Technology Essay

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1.0 Introduction Imagine having tonnes of personal belongings but hardly any place to store them. Land is something physical and limited which means we will eventually run out of it. Just like that, we run out of hard drive space and local storage space in your computer. Now, imagine having a special place where it has the capability to store everyone’s belongings in a limited space. And that place is called the internet. The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet. There are millions of users that use cloud technology. They store personal information and data all on the cloud. No, cloud technology is not magic. It is an intelligent way to store information i.e in shared data centers all around the world where rows and rows of heavy duty computers makes it easy for us to retrieve it anytime and anywhere we want. Businesses these days targets to work in the most efficient and effective manner as possible and usually the big ideas that eventually contributes to the goal comes with expensive and complicated …show more content…

Cloud technology vendors are providing the disaster recovery applications, they can enough skill to solve and settle the recovery of information of users. It is much easier than other alternative of traditional option for data storage. So the users who chosen cloud and rely on it no need to purchase a complex and expensive of any application that recover the disaster. Cloud also provided a systematic backup and also have automatic software integration. Another advantages included in cloud technology is almost unlimited and huge numbers of storage. Cloud technology provided large capacity to fulfill all users demand. So users can use cloud with the unlimited space and no need to face the problem of running out of the space. So users also no need to purchase anything for update the storage space because it is included in the cloud system, cost saving applied. Cons of Cloud

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