
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Demand Forecasts

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Demand forecasting
1. Identify methods useful for predicting demand in various situations
2. Warn against methods that shouldn’t be used
3. Guidelines and examples to improve efficiency of other organizations that don’t use these methods by adopting these forecasting practices.

It has been recorded that formal forecasts are prepared by firms because they have a written marketing plan, the most popular among these firms is the sales forecast. A common mistake used by people is that sales and demand acquire the same definition while in fact, demand and sales equate only when sales aren’t limited by supply. Sometimes it is appropriate to forecast demand directly, while other times where uncertainty and changes are expected market …show more content…

But no research directly tests the forecasting ability of game theory.

5) Judgmental decomposition: (no feedback)
It involves dividing the forecasting problems into parts that are easier to forecast than the whole, one approach is breaking it down into multiplicative components. It has a number of advantages as it is used when there is much uncertainty about the aggregate forecast, when large numbers are involved and it has proven to be more accurate than those of global approach.

6) Judgmental bootstrapping: (no feedback)
It is a type of expert system which can be useful for repetitive complex forecasting problems when historical data on the variable to be forecasted are lacking or of poor quality. It is more accurate the aided judgment.
7) Expert system: (no feedback)
It is designed to solve complex problems by reasoning about knowledge by rules experts use to make predictions, these rules are created from protocols.
Expert system is aided by: expert opinion, conjoint analysis, bootstrapping.
The rules used are from experts and empirical research. This method is expensive and used when many similar forecasts are derived from the system.
Self Judgment
A) Role

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