
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Electronic Medical Records

Decent Essays

Electronic medical record (EMR) can be defined as an electronic record of health-related information on an individual that can be created, gathered, managed, and consulted by authorized clinicians and staff within one health care organization. There are two advantages and two issues of EMR in Malaysian Government Hospital that I will discuss in this paper. The using of EMR in Malaysian Government Hospital was enabling quick access to patient records for more coordinated and efficient care. The medical record officer can access the patient information within a short time, and it more save time if compared with searching the file record of staff at the shelf. Enabling quick access also referred to the benefit of EMR system that sharing a database system, whereas the medical record officer or doctor can use the system …show more content…

The characteristics of electronic record that easy to modified and changed might cast doubt on the court this is because if some data has been changed even for correction there are no trace that showing the error was corrected, it different with a paper records, a simple line crossing out the incorrect information will notify the reader that a change has been made. Moreover, usually using EMR especially for conversion process, the original documents are scanned into a system and then will shred or destroyed, these process might give a problem because some paper documentation is illegible, but once the originals are destroyed there is no way to recover the data. So, to overcome this issue, medical record officer must not too hasty in the destruction of the original documents, they also should not destroy specific stored information that it is required to preserve. Not only that, they also should always keep the original document as a backup, and use EMR only for a quick access purpose rather that concern it as a system that can save a

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