
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gm Soybeans

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GM Soybeans
Soybeans are beans which are from the legume family which are native to East Asia. They can grow on a variety of soils and wide range of climates, ranging from snowy to tropical climates (Rob). Soybeans are used to make food such as tofu and soymilk, although it is most often processed into oil, which can be used for cooking, or sold for biodiesel production. The left-over which are not used for oil can be used for animal food due to the high-protein fiber which is in the left over. The GM Soybean, also called Roundup Ready (RR) Soybean, was developed by the biotech company Monsanto and was commercially available to farmers in 1996 (Editor, 2008). This GM soybean contains a gene that makes it resistant to herbicides which would …show more content…

Genetically Modified foods are made to withstand harsher condition than normal soybeans, meaning that more of them will survive to then be sold. Furthermore, these GM soybeans will also last longer due to their implanted gene. With a bigger amount of soybeans, the farmers can then allow the soybeans to be sold for a cheaper price, which will ensure that customers will buy their products as they are cheaper than others. Due to those reasons, farmers with the right to use GM soybeans will make more money and do so faster as they will have more soybeans to sell. This however is a disadvantage for small farms who do not have enough money or who don’t want to buy GM soybeans as they will produce fewer soybeans as they do not possess the genes which make them resist herbicides and harsher weather. A smaller amount of soybeans to sell will then make the farmers without the right to use GM soybeans have less income. Furthermore, these farmers are unable to make the soybeans cheaper as they would then not make any profit. Another factor which is heavily impacted by the GM soybeans is the …show more content…

Furthermore, superweeds are created, which are resistant to that specific herbicide. To then kill the superweeds, a different kind of herbicide has to be used, which additionally harms the environment. Due to this, many amounts of herbicides have to be used. In addition to the GM superweed being bad for the environment, it is also bad for the economy as poor farmers can’t afford the GM soybeans. Without the GM soybean, the conventional soybeans do not possess the genes which make them resist herbicides and harsher weather. This will result in a smaller amount of soybeans to sell, which will then make the farmers without the rights to use GM soybeans have less income. As a result, the farmers without the GM soybean are unable to make the soybeans cheaper as they would then not make any profit. Although the GM soybean is mainly bad for the economy, it is also good as some farmers profit from this. The GM seeds allow the farmers to have more harvest as fewer soybeans will die due to weather, other plants or insects. As a result, these farmers will be able to sell the soybeans at a cheaper price, making more profit, as there is a greater quantity of

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