
Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Drawbacks Of Human Resource Management

Decent Essays

Some of the drawbacks of HRM are:
1. recent origin
2. lack of support of higher management 3. improper actualisation
4. development programmes are not adequate 5. inadequate information
1. Recent Origin:
HRM is of recent origin,thus, it lacks universally approved academic base. The term is defined differently by different people.Some think it as a new name to personnel management. Some enterprises have named their traditional personnel management department as human resource management department.
Such superficial actions may lead to failure.A fundamental change in attitudes, approaches and management philosophy is necessary. Without such a change, particularly at the top management level, changing the name of personnel department or …show more content…

Improper Actualisation:
HRM must be implemented by assessing the training and development requirements of employees. The aspirations and needs of people should be considered while making human resource policies. HRM is actuated half-heartedly. The creation of some training programmes is considered as the implementation of HRM. With this, management’s productivity and profitability approach remains the same in many organisations.
4. Inadequate Development Programmes:
HRM requires implementation of programmes such as career planning, on the job training, development programmes, MBO, counselling and much more. There is a requirement to create a learning environment in the organisation. In real life, HRM programmes are confined to class room lectures and expected results are not coming out of this approach.
5. Inadequate Information:
Some organisations do not have adequate information about their employees. In the absence of proper information and data base, this system cannot be properly implemented. So it is necessary to collect, store and retrieve information before implementing human resource …show more content…

However, it is adequate and conscientious HR management that will build and retain a qualified, well-cooperating workforce and therefore, ultimately, leading to an increase in organizational growth, efficiency, and profitability.The most important tasks of the human resource department are to make sure that the people working in their organisation feel happy, are in the right job and also get the opportunity to upgrade their skills when required.
HR’s task also include the coordination of the recruitment of new employees for vacant positions. This brings up the interesting point of internal recruitment versus external recruitment. Both of them have their importance and drawbacks. Yet, it is the HR department, together with the particular department management, to decide which way to go in certain cases. Here’s the dilemma:
A) When people are hired from the inside the advantage is that they are already familiar with the culture and the work climate, but there is also the disadvantage of having to retrain the ones that are now performing in new positions, and having to fill the jobs thatwere left open when employees got

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