
Advantages Of Activity Based Costing

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Activity Based Costing (ABC) focuses on multiple activities in manufacturing; more precisely attributes activity costs to production and identifies idle capacity costs for each activity.

Like traditional cost system, activity based costing uses a two stage approach, a more general in terms of cost centers, but uses an activity based approach for accumulating costs. The activity based cost system starts by asking what are being performed by the service department’s resources. The resource expenses are assigned to activities based on how much of the resource expenses are required or used to perform the activities.

Appearance of ABC Systems:

The traditional costing systems catered to the companies involved in manufacturing of small range of …show more content…

Activity Based Cost (ABC) Systems

Personal Wages, Store Room Handling charges, engineer’s salary, Utility charges

I stage:
Number of Workers, Numbers of Items picked for an order, Hours worked, Square Feet

Activity: Doing Engineering Changes, Production Set Ups, Running Machinery, Packing

II Stage:
Number of Engineering Hours, Number of Set Ups, Machine Hours, No of packing hours

Consumer Activities based on Product Consuming Activities Product or Customer or Service
Sopariwala’s modified “absorption/direct income statement”

Prof. Sopariwala’s work on “absorption /direct income statement” was majorly influenced from the research work by “Brainer, Akers, Truitt and Wilson (BATW)”. Sopariwala cited that BATW did not address the repercussions of over/under production on income statement.
Sopariwala proposed a solution where ‘Cost of idle Capacity’ is segregated when preparing income statements. This effectively meant that such costs were treated as period cost rather than product cost. There was a difference in value of Absorption costing NI (Net income) from corresponding traditional costing value which was attributed to the fact that ‘Cost of Idle Manufacturing’ was treated as period

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