
Cost Volume Profit Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Cost volume profit analysis is a logical extension of marginal costing it is based on the principals of classifying the operating expenses into fixed & variable. Now a day it has become a powerful instrument in the hands of powerful instrument in the hands of policy makers to maximize profits.

Earning of the maximum profit is the ultimate goal of almost all business undertakings. The most important factor influencing the earning of profit is the level of production. CVP analysis examines the relationship of costs & profit to the volume of business to maximize profits there may be changes in the level of production due to many reasons, such as competition, introduction of new products, trades depression or boom, increased demand for the product, scare resources, change in the selling prices of products etc. in such cases management must study the effect on profit on a/c of the changing levels of production a number of techniques can be used as an aid to management in this respect one such technique is the CVP.

 To identify the effect of breakeven point for multiple products and ascertain which product is as advantages.
 To study the P/v ratio and Margin of safety of the company’s all products.
 Find out effect of changes in …show more content…

According to the, “Colin Drury CVP analysis is based on the relationship between volume and sales revenue, cost and profit in the short run the short run normally being a period of one year, or less in which the output b of a firm is restricted to that available from the current operating capacity. The Cost Volume Profit analysis is a management accounting tool to show the relationship between these ingredients of profit planning. The entire gamut of profit planning is associated with CVP interrelationship. A widely used technique to study CVP relationship is break even analysis. It is concerned with the study of revenues and costs in relation to sales total costs will be

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