
Against The Legalization Of Drugs

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Against the Legalization of Drugs
Legalization of drugs is an increasingly hot topic in today’s society. It is one of that needs vast advancements in research and treatment for addicts to prevent the moral and legal obligations, as well as the severe health ramifications that come along with addiction of these powerful drugs. To legalize drugs would be detrimental to the family unit as well as our youth and have serious health consequences at an alarming rate.
James Q. Wilson, author of, “Against the Legalization of Drugs,” was the first Senior Fellow at Boston College’s Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy and Distinguished Scholar in its Department of Political Science. In his essay, Wilson portrays his stance on being against legalization of drugs and speaks of figuring out how to win the war on drugs and “not send up the white flag of surrender.” Wilson explains the historical aspect of not legalizing heroin in 1972 and health deterioration along with the number of deaths to heroin assisted in decreasing the number of heroin users in the United States. Wilson gives perspectives from the stance of legalization and why it would not have worked and will not work today. Wilson’s argument on the detrimental effects of legalizing drugs on our society as a whole would not only have severe effects on our children and young adults, but also our unborn fetuses.
Specifically, Wilson’s essay describes the detrimental effects of heroin and crack cocaine.

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