
America and Congress Essay

Decent Essays

In the past century, people continued to express an increasingly discontent view of Congress especially true when one looks back before the Clinton Impeachment debacle As the size of the nation and the number of congressman have grown, the congress has come under attack by both public influences and congressman themselves. Yet looking at one congressman's relationship with his or her constituents, it would be hard to believe that this is the branch of government that has come under suspect. In "If Ralph Nader says congress is 'The broken branch,' how come we love our congressman so much?" author Richard F. Fenno, Jr., provides insight into this view and why, through congress coming under fire, constituents still feel positively about …show more content…

Mentioning that by looking to satisfy ones own constituents, they are doing what is asked of a representative. Feno then goes on to talk about comities focusing more on the House. He states that there are two kinds of committees, "committees which its members wish to pyramid their influence and therefore maintain their influence of their committee in the house" and committees were members are interested in national recognition (388). He defends the seniority rule which is used as a determining factors when choosing a committee chair and often is criticized. He says that although he does not see it as the best way of determining importance, it is not the biggest problem with committees, and often the committee majority is responsible for many of the problems. Fenno makes very interesting argument, but upon deeper analysis one can see that these problems that he mentions may serve purpose. Fenno talks of the unfair expectations that the general public has towards the institution of congress. When looking at this from the view of the founding fathers, the argument could be made that although this affect may not have been foreseen, it serves as another check on the power of an institution that had already shown its susceptibility to corruption. Madison or Hamilton would also argue that the fact that congress comes under attack because of its close connection to the people a good thing because this is the institution

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