
America 's First Home Grown Terrorist

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John Brown: America’s First Home Grown Terrorist
John Brown, recalled by some as a martyr for his anti-slavery stance, is also recalled by others as a madman. His legendary raid on Harper’s Ferry will live forever in history books, but what fueled the madness? In 1812, was his mind so deeply traumatized when he witnessed the brutal crime of a young black boy beaten with a shovel that he could never move past it? Did that single event shape his life and play, over and over, in his mind like a never-ending film? No matter what you believe, the undisputed fact is that he was one of America’s first domestic terrorists.
Domestic Terrorism: The Definition
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia online, defines domestic terrorism as “commonly …show more content…

This new Constitution also had three branches of government, including a position created just for Brown, Commander in Chief for the Armed Forces.
In Brown’s Provisional Constitution, Article XXVIII: Property states, “All captured or confiscated property, and all property the product of the labor of those belonging to this organization and of their families, shall be held as the property of the whole, equally, without distinction; and may be used for the common benefit, or disposed of for the same object;” (Earle, 2008) Article XXXVI: Property Confiscated states, “The entire and real property of all persons known to be acting either directly or indirectly with or for the enemy, or found in arms with them, or found willingly holding slaves, shall be confiscated and taken, whenever and wherever it may be found, in either free or slave States…” (Earle, 2008)
Socialism is defined as a social and economic system characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production. Socialism can also be a political theory which establishes this system and brings it to life. (Socialism) When examining Article XXVIII, it clearly defines socialism when it is written that property shall be for the whole. It also removes the safety that the Fourth Amendment in the Constitution provides, which is the Search and Seizure amendment. The Fourth Amendment ensures that the people have a

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