
American Born Chinese Character Analysis

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An American Born Chinese Struggle
Imagine going to a place, somewhere you have never been before. You are optimistic, but once you get there, you start to see differences between you and the other people there. You have never really seen those differences before, but now people are treating you differently because of them. You start to wonder if there is something wrong with you and if it would not be better if you were exactly like them. Gene Luen Yang’s novel American Born Chinese deals with this exact issue. His book tells the tale of three characters: the Monkey King, Danny and Jin Wang. While the book starts out with three separate storylines, near the end it becomes clear that the three stories and its characters are intricately connected …show more content…

To understand how internalized racism led to this transformation and the rejection of his Chinese identity, we first need a clear definition of internalized racism. The definition of internalized racism that this essay will work with is the one described by Lois Tyson: “Internalized racism results from the psychological programming by which the a racist society indoctrinates people of color to believe in white superiority. Victims of internalized racism generally feel inferior to whites, less attractive, less worthwhile, less capable, and often wish they were white or looked more white “(362). In Jin Wang’s story there are several moments in which he experiences a sense of not belonging or feeling inferior. Jin Wang grew up in Chinatown in San Francisco, surrounded by other Asian boys. Once his family moves to a different neighbourhood, he needs to transfer to a different school. This is where the first signs of not belonging show. When his teacher introduces him to the class, she calls him by the wrong name, Jing Jang instead of Jin Wang (30). She tells the class that he recently moved to this neighbourhood from China instead of from San Francisco (30). A boy in his class, Timmy, remarks: “My momma says Chinese people eat dogs” (31), to which his teacher responds: “Now be nice, Timmy! I’m sure Jin doesn’t do that! In fact Jin’s family probably …show more content…

These sort of racist assumptions continue when Jin Wang remarks: “The only other Asian in my class was Suzy Nakamura. When the class finally figured out that we weren’t related, rumors began to circulate that Suzy and I were arranged to be married on her thirteenth birthday”(31). At his new school he makes no new friends, they make fun of the food he eats and call him bucktooth. Jin Wang is jealous of

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