
American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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In the 1920’s the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby” was based on possessions, wealth, and the amount of materialistic things a person may have had. On the other hand, the 1920’s provided another side of what was portrayed as the American Dream. This side included a state of discovery, self-determination, and happiness. Each portrayal has similarities and differences that relate to one another. Through “The Great Gatsby” and other sources we will see these comparisons and how they play a role in the individual perception of the American Dream.
In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” we see an idea of the American Dream that portrays life based on possessions, wealth, and materialistic ideas. One of Gatsby possession is ‘ brisk yellow …show more content…

Myrtle Wilson, who was “married to a poor man named George Wilson, wants to achieve East Egg status trough Tom Buchanan via her physical appearance as well as her personality and social behavior.” (St. Robert) In The Great Gatsby, Myrtle is described as, “She was in the middle thirties, and faintly stout, but she carried her surplus flesh sensuously as some women can. Her face, above a spotted dress of dark blue crepe-de-chine, contained no facet or gleam of beauty, but there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her as if the nerves of her body were continually smouldering” (Fitzgerald 28) She was the lady that wanted to be with Tom in the book of the Great …show more content…

“Gatsby has achieved from the outside what looked like the American Dream, however although he had obtained the material status necessary to give that impression, it still wasn’t enough for him and had to seek reassurance that he in fact was impressive.” The houses described in the story represent the characters’ need to compete to declare their status. In chapter five, for example Gatsby says to Nick, “My house looks well doesn’t it? See how the whole front of it catches the light.” (Fitzgerald) This shows that Gatsby was trying to show off his riches. He also did this to show off his new

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