
American Involvement In Ww2 Essay

Decent Essays

Since the United States of America was founded, every generation has witnessed a war. Whether it was on American turf or in a country far away, every war has had its own unique style that in some ways altered the course of American history. In the early 20th century, after a number of foreign wars, After being involved in many foreign wars, the American government decided that the only wayhoped to protect the nation’s future was toby staying neutral and continue continuing trading peaceful trade with other countries. Despite the appeal of isolationism, During a time when isolationism was one of the biggest ideas in America, the United States joined the fighting of World War I in 1917. Based on the lead-up to the war, it is clear that American involvement in World War I was justified, even though the aftermath was complicated.government had justified causes in joining the fighting of World War I.
There were countless factors that drove America’s reluctant government to war. One of these factors was the unjust sinking of numerous neutral American ships by German U-boats. Even though many ships were sunk by U-boats, the two that stick out in America’s history were the sinking of theThe most notorious of these ships were the Lusitania and the Essex. In recent …show more content…

To them, there was not a valid and justified point in joining the war. Some of these pacifists thought that the first world war was not America’s war to fight. The pacifist belief was that America should focus on its own economy and stop prying into European affairs. Along with the thought that the war was not our own, many believed, and continue to believe, that World War I was a major factor contributing cause toin the Great Depression. Even though that is a possibility, it does not justify as World War I being unjust for

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