
American National Election Studies : Race, Political Party And Gender Essay

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Introduction This study was done with a subsection of data from American National Election Studies (ANES), which included adults that were sampled across the nation. Their responses to the questions were randomly chosen. Multiple analyses were ran on the categorical demographics given: race, political party and gender. We are running all of these tests below to find out if symbolic racism and fondness of Obama are related. There were 191 females and 159 males, for a total of 350 participants. Subjects were represented by 40.9% Democratic party, 20.6 Republican Party and 31.1% Independent party. The participants were broken down into four ethnic groups: 28.0% African American, 56.9% White, 2.0% multiple races, and 12.9% other. Subjects answered questions related to their preference on Obama on a scale from 0-10, 0 being strongly dislike and 10 being strongly like (M = 5.47, SD = 2.78) and questions pertaining to symbolic racism on a scale from 1-5, 1 being strongly agree and 5 being strongly disagree (M = 3.31, SD = .98), these two variables are considered continuous. The questionnaire was reliable at a Cronach’s Alpha level of .72. Which indicates that is has relatively high internal consistency, which is a measure of how well the items on the test measure the same construct or idea. Considering we have high internal consistency it is safer to assume we can trust that our overall test is measuring the concept of interest. Methods and Results Analysis of Variance

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