
An Accounting Method For A Transparent Government

Better Essays

An Accounting Method for a Transparent Government *I got some bad news about my health. I should be okay, but I 'm worried all the work I 've done will go unknown if I don 't publish now. This was finished in haste. Please forgive errors, typos, glitches, and bad programming techniques.* I 've designed an accounting method to be used to for a transparent government that is easily understood by even a layperson. Thus, every citizen of age can understand the financial position of their city. I call this system: [Simpel Accounting]( Yes, I intentionally misspelled the word "simple" to a more phonetically correct version to help avoid conflict with anyone …show more content…

From here, the citizen can quickly see if the city is on an upward or downward trend. Click the ≡ icon -> *PRIOR YEARS* -> *Prior 4 years* This will populate the screen with profits and the net worth of the prior 4 years in addition to the current. A graph will appear showing the data. Now that the citizen sees the city being on a downward trend, let 's look what is causing a lost in income. (I 'll be adding more functionality to this area later. For now we 'll return to the original settings.) Click the ≡ icon -> *PRIOR YEARS* -> *Current year* Let 's dig into the financials. Click *Profit (Cash, Operating)* -> click *Revenue* and click *Expenses* Now we have two pie charts. Revenue has a very strong reliance on sales tax and a low percentage of property tax compared to the national average. Unusual, but this city might have a preference for sales tax revenue. Look at expenses. Police are taking a large percentage (50%) of the expenses. Of that percentage half of it is going to retirement. Let 's take a closer look: On the left side click *Police* -> *Retirement* From here, we can see almost all of the expense is coming from paying pensions. While the lay person may not know this, this situation might have resulted from a shrinking city. Pensions, at least for most governments, are a guaranteed payment after retirement. If their the city population and, thus, funds are decreasing, but the number of government retirees

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