
An Examination of Healthy People 2020, Watson's Theory of Caring,and Smoking Cessation in Brooklyn

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Community: Brooklyn, NY: Healthy People 2020, Watson Theory, and Smoking Cessation The objective of this study is to examine Healthy People 2020, Watson's Theory of Caring, and Smoking Cessation in Brooklyn, New York. Upon examination of this literature, this work in writing will consider the nurse's role in smoking cessation in the community of Brooklyn, New York. Jean Watson's Theory of Transpersonal Caring was developed by Watson in 1979 and is a theory that has evolved since then. Watson's Theory has as its primary focus the "humanistic aspects of nursing in combination with scientific knowledge" or evidence-based practice." (Vanguard Health Systems, nd, p.1) Watson held that caring "is an endorsement of professional nurse's identity". (Vanguard Health Systems, nd, p.1) Role of Nurse The nurse's role in the view of Watson is to: (1) form a relationship with patients characterized by caring; (2) treat the patient's mind, spirit, and body; (3) provide acceptance that is unconditional; (4) treat patients with respect; (5) use knowledge and intervention to promote health; and (6) spend some time with the patient that is uninterrupted. (Vanguard Health Systems, nd, p.1) Caring moments are reported to be such that are characterized by a contact being made between the nurse and patient. When the nurse enters the patient's room, the patient experiences the feeling of expectation. The nurse displaying competence and professionalism, or alternatively a lack of these two

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