
Cloud Computing: A Summary Analysis

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Summary Analysis
Cloud Computing is a fairly new term used to identify a type of computer connectivity, IT services and on-demand delivery offered via the web. The way that it works is, Cloud Computing offers an easy approach to accessing servers, storage, databases and a wide set of request over the Internet. Cloud Computing also allows cloud-based service providers to own and sustain the network-connected equipment necessary for these application services. This is all done while permitting a business to facilitate and use the services that are deemed essential via a web application (Amazon, 2016).
The cloud can provide swift access to malleable and low budget IT resources. With the use of cloud computing, you are not required to make big direct investments in hardware and spend a lot of time on managing that hardware and associated services. Cloud Computing compromises a comprehensive set of on-demand services, such as global computing, storage, database, analytics, application, and deployment services. These services will assist an organization move quicker, reduce IT costs, and scale systems. Cloud Computing has three key categories, they are usually referred to as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Mobile as a Service (MaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
One of the primary issue that needed to be address in Cloud Computing was security. As a result, all types of security procedures are mandatory to be employed by cloud service

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